Characters who have only fully appeared once, but there may be mentions or pictures of them outside of their only physical appearance.
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All items (361)
- Adam Appliances
- Adrian
- Al (Spratt's Sweets)
- Al the Alpaca
- Aliah
- Alice (When Hairy Met Smoothies: Smoothies & Hair Removal)
- Alice Lombard
- Allison
- Amity
- Amy (Dillon's Mom)
- Andrew (Cafe Dollisiousso)
- Angel
- Angela (Hormone-iums)
- Angie (Lorenzo's Oil? No, Linda's)
- Angie Moscatone
- Annie Cragston
- April Buzzby
- Art
- Arthur
- Asch
- Ashley (Bye Bye Boo Boo)
- Austin (Into the Mild)
- Barbara Bunkley
- Barry B. Foldin'
- Beatrice (Spratt's Sweets)
- Becca (Bye Bye Boo Boo)
- Becca (Seven-tween Again)
- Becket
- Becky (Two for Tina)
- Becky Krespe
- BeeferSutherland
- BeefGeek
- Benj
- Bernadette Baker
- Bethany (Wag the Hog)
- Beverly
- Billy
- Bitsy
- Blake
- Brenda (King's Head Island)
- Brenda (Roller? I Hardly Know Her!)
- Brett
- Brian (Legends of the Mall)
- Brom and Eleanor
- Caitlin
- Candace
- Candy
- Captain Davis
- Captain Flarty
- Carl Lumpkin
- Carly (Bye Bye Boo Boo)
- Carol (Crustacean Nation Wrestling Federation)
- Cha-Cha
- Chad (Just One of the Boyz 4 Now for Now)
- Chad the Zombie
- Chang Family
- Charlene
- Charlize Habercore (Hugo's Hot Dogs)
- Chase Kaminsky
- Cherie
- Cheryl (Romancing the Beef)
- Chet
- Chocolatier
- Chris Stokes
- Christy
- Claudia Rinaldi
- Clay
- Clem Clements
- Colonel Fluffles
- Colton
- Connor Coloroso
- Cooper
- Cory Battles
- Couch Burners
- Curt
- Dahlia
- Dakota Applebaum
- Damon
- Daniel Cunningham
- Danny Duszynski
- Danny Kim
- Dave (Adventures in Chinchilla-sitting)
- Dean Dixon
- Dean Habercore (Hugo's Hot Dogs)
- Debbie
- Deirdre (Eat, Spray, Linda)
- Delilah
- Demitri
- Derek Dematopolis
- Dillon
- DJ Elev-8
- Dolores
- Don (The Fresh Princ-ipal)
- Donald Wallace
- Donna (Have Yourself a Maily Linda Christmas)
- Donnie
- Donny
- Donovan
- Donut
- Doris (Horsing Around Riding Center)
- Dot
- Dottie Minerva
- Double Butt
- Dove Shannon
- Dr. Chegler
- Dr. Juarez
- Drew P. Neck
- Duchess
- Duval
- Jack Conway
- Jacob (Wag the Hog)
- Janet
- Jason (Boywatch)
- Jason and Mitchell
- Javed Fazel
- Jennifer (Brunchsquatch)
- Jerry Flanagan
- Jesse
- Jestain
- Jim Skillman
- Joanne
- Jody
- Joel Glassman
- Joey Volpintesta
- John Van Horton and the Music Extrusion
- Josie
- Judge Conklin
- Judy
- Jules Beachum
- Julia (Mo Mommy Mo Problems)
- Julianne
- JustGrillin'