Bob's Burgers Wiki

Sasha? You bastard!
- Dahlia

Dahlia is the daughter of Caitlin. She is also the cousin of Sasha Whiteman, who thinks she's "history's greatest monster."[1] She makes her first and only appearance in "House of 1000 Bounces."

She is voiced by Jessica Lowe.




Sasha describes her as "super-annoying" and "history's greatest monster." She appears to be quite unfriendly as she refuses to share the one bounce house that got delivered to her party with Rudy's party. Her mother is also non-permissive of doing so. She also later calls Sasha a "bastard" after finding out that he double-crossed her ("House of 1000 Bounces").


Main article: Dahlia/Story




Sasha Whiteman[]

Her aunt[]



  1. s6e11 "House of 1000 Bounces" Sasha tells the Belcher kids and their friends that Dahlia is "history's greatest monster."


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