Bob's Burgers Wiki

For the location, see Sofa Queen (Location).

This child's bedroom offends me. Off with his bed!
— Sofa Queen

The Sofa Queen is the owner of the Sofa Queen furniture store. She is also an advertising spokesperson for her store's commercials. She makes her first and only speaking appearance in "Sacred Couch." Since then, she has appeared in archival footage from the commercial she featured in in her debut.

She is voiced by Wanda Sykes.







Her sister[]

Sofa Jester[]


The Belchers[]

Linda Belcher is a fan of the store's commercials starring her and her brother-in-law, who's married to her sister as the Sofa Jester. She also knows all of the lines in her commercial, word-for-word. ("Sacred Couch")


Character Navigation vte
Main Characters Bob BelcherLinda BelcherTina BelcherGene BelcherLouise BelcherTeddy
Belcher Family Big BobLily BelcherAl GenarroGloria GenarroGayle Genarroetc.
Fischoeder Family Calvin FischoederFelix FischoederGrover Fischoederetc.
Pesto Family Jimmy PestoJimmy Pesto, Jr.Andy and Ollie Pestoetc.
Larsen Family Tammy LarsenMr. LarsenMrs. Larsenetc.
Wheeler Family Courtney WheelerDoug WheelerMrs. Wheeler
Stieblitz Family Regular Sized RudySylvester StieblitzHollyetc.
Wagstaff Faculty Phillip FrondMs. LaBonzMs. TwitchellMs. JacobsonCoach BlevinsMr. BrancaMr. GrantPrincipal SpoorsMs. SchnurMr. AmbroseMs. SelboMatilda MerkinNurse LizJackieetc.
Wagstaff Students JocelynZekeLarge TommyJulieNormal Sized JennyMichael CarlishPeter PescaderoDarrylMillie FrockRupaLenny DeStefanoJeremyHenry HaberAbby HaddingtonHarleyJodiJessicaToddWayneChloe BarbashSusmitaArnold EvansMeganKaylee MorgansternChelseaWillSametc.
Secondary Characters Hugo HabercoreRonMortMarshmallowGretchenEdith CranwinkleHarold CranwinkleDr. YapJenMickeyMike WobblesSergeant Bosco
Characters by debut Season 1Season 2Season 3Season 4Season 5Season 6Season 7Season 8Season 9Season 10Season 11Season 12Season 13Season 14Season 15The Bob's Burgers Movieetc.
See also: Characters